Jon and I had a blast on Sunday. I mean, I was ready to lose it if I wasn't going to get some hot boy action soon. This took care of that problem. Holy crap.
Hi. My name is Lance Bass Bobblehead and I hope you'll enjoy following my adventures. I travel with anyone who will take me to places both exciting and dull. Sometimes I enjoy myself, sometimes I am mortified by these crazy people's endeavors. Oh, and you should know that I am a HUUUUGE fan of Twilight. I mean, hello! Those boys are HoOot! Btw I was all "I'm totally team Edward," but now after seeing that yummy Taylor's abs I'm like "Team Jacob?" Okay, anyway, back to my travels. I'll try to update as my people escort me places so check in from time to time and I hope you enjoy my adventures.
So, is this the guy that chipped your ear, Lance?